
Achieving 100% Game Completion in Grand Theft Auto V: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Greg Burn
  • Feb 18, 2024
  • 81
Achieving 100% Game Completion in Grand Theft Auto V: A Step-by-Step Guide

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the specifics, it's important to understand what 100% game completion entails in Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V). This achievement requires players to complete a variety of tasks ranging from the main story missions to a myriad of side activities and collectibles spread throughout Los Santos and Blaine County. Achieving this milestone not only provides players with a sense of accomplishment but also unlocks exclusive content.

Completing All Main Story Missions

The foundation of achieving 100% completion in GTA V lies in completing all 69 main story missions. These missions guide you through the narrative arc of Michael, Franklin, and Trevor. While some missions are straightforward, others may require multiple playthroughs to master. Keep a steady pace and focus on the objectives.

Finishing Stranger and Freaks Missions

Strangers and Freaks missions are unique encounters scattered throughout the map, marked by question marks. These missions contribute significantly to your overall completion percentage. Each main character has his own set of Strangers and Freaks to complete, so make sure you switch between characters often to access all missions.

Grand Theft Auto V video game

Indulging in Random Events

Random Events are spontaneous activities that occur as you explore the world of Los Santos. These can range from store holdups to encountering hitchhikers. Accomplishing a minimum of 14 of these unpredictable incidents will contribute to your completion rate, so remain alert and prepared to interact with these occurrences as they come up.

Winning in Leisure Activities

GTA V offers a plethora of leisure activities, including but not limited to playing golf, tennis, darts, and participating in street races. Winning at least once in each of these activities contributes to your overall completion score. These activities not only bring you closer to the 100% but also offer a fun break from the main storyline.

Conquering Collectibles and Miscellaneous Tasks

The vast world of GTA V is filled with collectibles scattered across various locations. These include spaceship parts, submarine parts, peyote plants, and more. Additionally, completing certain miscellaneous tasks such as buying properties, investing in stocks, and walking your dog Chop adds to your overall progress. Utilize online maps and guides to locate these collectibles efficiently.

Grand Theft Auto V video game

Mastering Hobbies and Pastimes

Hobbies and pastimes are another essential component for achieving 100% completion. These include activities like flight school, shooting range challenges, and more. Excelling in these activities not only contributes towards your completion but also improves your character’s skills.

Exploring Under the Bridge and Knife Flight Challenges

There are specific aerial and driving challenges named Under the Bridge and Knife Flight, respectively. Successfully completing these challenges not only tests your piloting and driving skills but also contributes to your game completion percentage.


Clearing Property Management Missions

Once you've acquired properties across Los Santos and Blaine County, you'll be tasked with management missions. These missions often involve solving problems or making deliveries. Completing all property management missions is essential for 100% game completion.

Utilizing Online Resources and Community Tips

Given the vastness of GTA V, utilizing online resources like forums, guides, and videos can provide invaluable aid in your quest for 100% completion. The game’s community is active and full of tips and tricks that can simplify difficult tasks or help locate hard-to-find items. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help or share your own experiences to aid others.

GTA V game

Maintaining Determination and Enjoying the Journey

Achieving 100% game completion in GTA V is a marathon, not a sprint. While the journey is long and sometimes challenging, it offers an opportunity to fully explore the rich and detailed world Rockstar Games has created. Celebrate each milestone, and don’t forget to enjoy the game beyond just the completion aspect. With determination and patience, you'll join the elite group of players who have seen and done it all in Los Santos and Blaine County.

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