
A Journey Beyond: The Finest Modern-Day JRPGs You Shouldn't Miss

  • Samanta Blumberg
  • Nov 17, 2023
  • 248
A Journey Beyond: The Finest Modern-Day JRPGs You Shouldn't Miss

The realm of JRPGs continues to evolve, drawing in fans with its intricate storylines, complex characters, and deep gameplay mechanics. As we venture into these fictional worlds, it's hard not to be impressed by the genre's growth over the years. The following list ranks the best modern-day JRPGs that have captivated players’ hearts and defined what the genre can offer.

6. Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 game

The third mainline entry in the Xenoblade series, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, elevates the series to dizzying new heights with an engaging narrative and thoroughly detailed world. Your journey across the vast, verdant landscapes of Aionios isn't only a visual treat but also a deep dive into the complexities of war, life, and existence. The game's combat system intertwines real-time action with strategic depth that rewards both planning and reflexes.


  • Enthralling and expansive open world to explore.
  • Deep character customization and combat class systems.
  • It has a rich storyline that follows an ensemble cast, fusing standalone storytelling with series lore.


  • It can be overwhelming for newcomers due to the vast scope of content.
  • Performance on the Switch can occasionally dip, given the game's ambitious scale.

5. Ys 8: Lacrimosa Of Dana

Ys 8 Lacrimosa Of Dana

Ys 8: Lacrimosa of Dana is a testament to how classic action JRPGs can still be relevant today, as it elegantly balances fast-paced combat with exploration and an intriguing storyline. Unfolding across the mysterious Isle of Seiren, Adol's shipwreck adventure is both urgent and captivating, making the discoveries and friendships all the more rewarding. Combat is crisp and quick, emphasizing player skill and timing.


  • Action-packed combat with a responsive control scheme.
  • An engaging story that deftly interweaves past and present timelines.
  • Rich ecosystem and exploration that rewards a player's curiosity.


  • The game’s visuals, though charming, are somewhat dated.
  • The quality of voiceovers can be inconsistent.

4. Tales Of Arise

Tales Of Arise game top

Not just a pretty face, Tales of Arise carries the weight of its franchise's legacy while charting a path all its own. It's a breathtaking adventure marked by a shift in artistic direction, delivering a mature narrative and a combat system that is both accessible and deep. Character interactions are meaningful, combat is gloriously fluid, and the world of Dahna will keep pulling you back in with its myriad secrets and nuanced political landscape.


  • Stunning graphical overhaul with gorgeous animation and art.
  • A combat system that is difficult to master.
  • Story themes that delve into complex sociopolitical issues.


  • Some grinding is required, which can occasionally disrupt the pacing.
  • Puzzles within the game can sometimes feel arbitrary or simplistic.

3. Persona 5 Royal

Persona 5 Royal top

Persona 5 Royal is more than just a game; it's a cultural phenomenon. It wraps turn-based combat, life simulation, dungeon exploration, and a story about rebellion against societal ills all into one stylish package. The 'Royal' edition expands upon the original with new characters, story elements, and quality-of-life improvements, creating an experience both grand for veterans and welcoming for newcomers.


  • A deeply customizable combat system integrated with the 'Persona' mechanic.
  • Stunning visuals with a vibrant color palette and unique art style.
  • The expanded content in 'Royal' adds significant value and extends playtime.


  • The calendar system, while innovative, can make the game feel linear at times.
  • The overarching plot takes time to fully develop, which may test the patience of some players.

2. Octopath Traveler

Octopath Traveler top

The inventively named Octopath Traveler dazzles with its 'HD-2D' visual style and intertwining narrative that spans eight unique character arcs. Each story feels distinct, offering a range of perspectives and gameplay experiences. Its turn-based combat is a thoughtful revamp of classic mechanics, adding a layer of strategy with the 'Boost' system that makes each encounter a cerebral affair.


  • Innovative visual style that's both nostalgic and modern.
  • An engaging battle system with a fair learning curve.
  • Eight distinct narratives allow for varied storytelling.


  • Individual stories vary in engagement and may lead to uneven pacing.
  • Some grinding may be necessary to progress through certain storylines.

1. Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake top

Final Fantasy VII Remake reimagines one of gaming's most iconic stories for the modern era, bringing Midgar and its inhabitants to life with unrivaled detail. Its real-time combat system strikes a perfect balance between tactical strategy and adrenaline-fueled action, while the episodic nature of the narrative allows for a deeper exploration of characters and world-building than the original could provide.


  • Spectacular re-envisioning of a classic with state-of-the-art graphics.
  • Combat that seamlessly blends strategy with fast-paced action.
  • Expanded narrative provides greater depth to characters and story.


  • Episodic structure means the full story isn't available in one package.
  • Pacing can occasionally be bogged down by filler content.

While each of these games possesses its own merits, it's Final Fantasy VII Remake that claims the crown according to player reviews. By successfully balancing homage with innovation, it captures the hearts of both long-time fans and newcomers alike. The reimagining of this beloved classic delivers a staggering depth of content and a combat system that keeps players coming back for more.

As the gaming world continues to advance, these modern-day JRPGs stand as a pinnacle of the genre's evolution. They bind players to their worlds not just with their gameplay but with stories that resonate and characters that linger in memory long after the console is turned off. These are the tales that define a generation, and they're just waiting for you to press 'start.'

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